Stop Losing CNA's invest in them.



You lose another nursing assistant.   What happens next?

  • Overextended co-workers.
  • Lost productivity.
  • Reduced quality of care.
  • Increased costs.
Your organization scrambles to find another nursing assistants but in the meantime, your existing employees are working overtime and residents /patients care is suffering.  You know something needs to be done to prevent this from happening.  But what?
The key is to invest in your nursing assistants. As front line caregivers, they deserve to feel valued, respected, and needed.

What can you do?
  • Provide an extensive  orientation.
  • Encourage positive CNA/Nurse relationships.
  • Implement a mentorship program.
  • Extend your budget to allow for small raises.

If you want to become a CNA, we can help. Visit and get started on your new career path today!

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