Georgia Certified Nursing Aides Shortage: Dilemma

There’s a problem in Georgia. There are currently thousands of Certified Nursing Aides vacancies for direct care patient/resident care. With the booming economy and low unemployment rate, there are fewer applicants for these positions.   
Why?  ”Because direct care is tough work that isn’t rewarded with the pay, benefits and training deserved.”This dilemma extends far beyond Georgia. In fact, nurse aide turnover is high across the nation. Employers are finding that their existing caregivers are burnt out…and they no longer have potential employees lining up at their doors.  
Unless something changes, this dire situation will go from bad to worse as the need for direct care workers is only expected to increase.
What can be done to help?
  • Start by employers changing your  mindset about CNA's.
    • Pay a livable wage.
    • Provide a comprehensive orientation.
    • Implement a mentor ship program to assist direct care workers when help is needed.
    • Insist upon ongoing  quality continuing education to boost confidence.
  • Treat nurse aides like valued members of the healthcare team.
    • Encourage them to share their opinions and suggestions about client care.
    • Involve them in problem solving to encourage critical thinking.
    • Recognize their achievements and praise hard work.
Give CNA's the respect they deserve.

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